motivator, author

Smiljan & Mark V. Hansen

Smiljanova predavanja so vedno nabito polna ...

Je zelo zaželjen predavatelj na fakultetah ...

Jumbo plakat v Kijevu, ki naznanja Smiljanov seminar

Kiev, Ukrajina, Januar 2008

Smiljanova predavanja so nabita z energijo!

Navdušeni udeleženci Smiljanovega seminarja želijo njegov podpis ...

Almaty, Junij 2008

SMILJAN MORI, a lawyer by education, is regarded by many who have met him in person as one of the most talented and most perspective motivational speakers of today. In just a year, he turned from an anonymous businessman from Styria into one of the most sought after Slovenian and international speakers.
Thousands of people have already attended Smiljan's seminars in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. In addition, he is a bestselling co-author of the book Wake Up and Live the Life You Love, published in America by Barnes&Noble, with such renowned names as Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer, Robert Alen, etc.
In the Podjetnik (Entrepreneur) magazine, Smiljan's work received much attention; he was characterized as the first proper mass lecturer in Slovenia, and described as a true phenomenon of the last year. Boris Vene, the international bestselling author of The Millionaire Mindset … How to Tap Real Wealth from Within says that Smiljan Mori is a man with incredible charisma.
Smiljan’s lectures on success are based on expert knowledge and his own ideas named “clever ideas off the street”. He passes on his knowledge on success, which affects anyone’s personal and business lives, in his own unique way. The lectures he gives are bursting with energy, enthusiasm, extreme humour and funny stories. He communicates his messages in a simple, understandable way and with simple ideas that can be immediately used in practice.
If you refuse to remain indifferent and passive, but want act, then Smiljan Mori is the right speaker for you and your company. Smiljan believes that we tend to complicate our personal and business lives ourselves. We take everything too seriously. He believes we should relax, become more joyful and playful, view things from a different perspective, stop worrying about what other people might say or think, and finally take off the masks we have been wearing all our lives. He teaches that business improves when the people in the company improve. He teaches that nothing can change for the better until we change. He teaches that no progress is possible until we make a progress ourselves.
His lectures are literally “a kick in the butt” that will leave no one indifferent. After his lecture, people are suddenly left without excuses and without someone to blame. Even though some of his topics will punch you right in the face, his only wish and concern is for you to become better, start believing in yourself, have more, earn more, accomplish what you wish for and find the path to success and a better future.
Smiljan Mori is not only a man devoted to personal growth and development, and motivating other people, but also the owner and manager of several successful companies.
Smiljan Mori is the author of the bestseller 7 Secrets to MotivaCtion and audio programs Think Like Winners and With Motivation to Success!; the latter was the first audio program for motivation and personal development in Slovenia. He is also the author of the booklet with inspirational thoughts titled Mini Motivator.
His work in Slovenia and Europe has thrilled numerous successful businesspersons from around the world. Upon his last visit to America in March 2003, Smiljan received great praise from many successful entrepreneurs as well as famous bestselling authors due to his first book, 7 Secrets to MotivaCtion.
He is friends with numerous giants of our time. Among others, Mark Victor Hansen, the co-author of the bestselling book series Chicken Soup for the Soul, wrote about Smiljan’s work and his book 7 Secrets to MotivaCtion, “My friend Mr. Smiljan Mori’s book will draw your attention and drive you forth until you’ve become truly successful, started receiving praise and living the life you once only dreamt of.”
Smiljan has worked with numerous top athletes, e.g. the Slovenian women A-team skiers, FC MIK Celje, etc.
Smiljan Mori is an exceptional connoisseur of the psychology of human behaviour and a regular guest in numerous radio and television shows. He is honest, direct and funny. Smiljan simply tells the truth. His mission is to show people how easy it is to become successful, happy, satisfied and rich. He is a much desired lecturer at faculties and secondary schools, where he inspires the young to grow and develop, and infuses them with courage for their future lives. He makes his audience laugh until they cry. He tells a lot, although what he tells is not always pleasant to the ear; it is, however, useful for life.
As a motivational speaker he has been invited to the meetings of many world leading companies and net marketing organizations. His lectures are fun, inspirational and based on practical examples from Smiljan’s own experience.
Smiljan Mori sold books, real estates, insurance and financial investments in his career. Without any means of his own, he established his first company in 1997; the insurance Agency Mori, which has developed in ten years into one of the largest insurance agencies in Slovenia.
He is the author of numerous motivation and personal growth seminars, such as LIGHT A FIRE IN YOU, BRING OUT THE MILLIONAIRE IN YOU, BECOME A WINNER, PERFECT LIFE, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. He is also the author of many expert articles from the fields of sales, motivation, management and healthy lifestyle published in specialist magazines such as Podjetnik (Entrepreneur), Profesionalna prodaja (Professional Sales), Rina, etc.
His motivational seminars have already been attended by thousands of people. He is the first one to have attracted over 650 people to a single motivation and personal growth seminar in Slovenia.
He is the author of the revolutionary seminar EMOTIONAL SALES. This is a seminar teaching salespersons new, revolutionary techniques from the fields of sales and influencing.
Smiljan knows what it means to set your goals and devise a plan to achieve them. He was born to an average family and lived in the village Vurmat near the Drava River. Though not one of the most “intelligent”, he received in secondary school (at the then Police Cadet School) the best student of the 21st generation award. A few years later he became the best student of the Police College and one of the best graduates of the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.
Smiljan believes that success first happens in your head. You must have heard the saying IT’S ALL IN THE HEAD many a time. But has anyone ever shown you that? Smiljan will show you the meaning of “it’s all in the head”. Never again will you wonder about it. You will become the master of your own destiny.